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Radiance Partners, LLC - Empowering POtential to Catalyze Transformation.  Radiance Logo: 9 joyous beings surrounding a round symbol of unity and universe

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What's Love Got To Do With It?

15 Jun 2023 2:06 PM | Kathy Harman (Administrator)

I can't stop thinking about Tina Turner's passing; it was the end of an era. Her signature song, What's Love Got to Do With It?, plays over and over in my head.  It got me to thinking about what DOES love have to do with it?  The answer is EVERYTHING.  All that happens, is thought, is done, all revolves in some way around love.  The very essence of life, when you strip away the unnecessary, is love.  All negativity streams from a real or perceived lack of love.  We can add all sorts of trappings to it, or deny the reality of love, but in the end, it's all there is.

As coaches, we feel a deep love for our clients.  It's a neutral love, not based on physicality, based more on the acknowledgement of our clients as individual emanations from the all, or the Universe, or God.  We honor the light within each one, knowing that they have all that is needed to live their best and most rewarding life on earth.  It is our honor to be able to create the space for our clients to joyfully discover their purpose and learn how to live their most meaningful lives.

This love enables us to move past any judgments towards total acceptance and appreciation of their unique being.  We also acknolwedge that we don't have their answers, and trying to solve the client's problem is more of an insult to their abilities than a help.  Instead, we simply explore along with the client, indulging our curiosity as to what drives them, blocks them, or makes them great.  This enables coaches to partner with the client to find their unique path to whoever they want to be.

And the more people we coach, the better the world becomes.

Love has everything to do with it.

Do you want to investigate what it would be like to be a coach?  Contact us or check out our Education Page to learn more!


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